Building for human flourishing.

Empowering individuals, teams, and communities with positive psychology, technology, and human-centered design.

The #1 creative platform for behavioral practitioners

Changes happen after the “classes” end. Differentiate your work by proving actual positive changes. Uvita makes it easy (possibly the easiest) for well-being practitioners to engage with their audience as a community and help them build healthy habits.

We’re building the best tool in the industry to help you teach the science of happiness and health experientially.

Empower your team with science of flourishing

Have you been looking for ways to get your team feel engaged, connected, and energized? Help your team thrive by participating in cohort-based personal development and building healthy routines for performance and happiness.

The “Third Place” for your friends and communities

Do you have a community on WhatsApp, Slack, email, Discord, or any other platform? Have you spent a lot of time figuring out how to make your group more engaged? Communities that use Uvita see higher engagement, deeper bonding, and improved well-being. This might be your next best thing to do with some of your fave people.

Bring Uvita to your people.